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Maine Anjou Bargain Semen
Chianina Bargain Semen
Gelbvieh - All
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Black & Red Balancer
Gelbvieh - Bargain Semen
(includes Fullbloods)

Igenity data
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2020 Gelb. Catalog
(PDF 47 pages)

2024 Gelbvieh Flyer
(PDF 16 pages)

Hereford - All
Hereford - polled
Hereford - horned
Hereford - Black
Shorthorn - w/photo
Shorthorn - listing
Simmental - All
Simmental - Black
Simmental - Red
Simm - Solutions
Simm - Bargain Semen
Bargain Semen

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Bull Barn Genetics - All Hereford Sires
(Click on the Bull you would like more information on)
= Added to lineup in the last 90 days     = Photo available     = Description available     = Video available
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Sexed Semen available by order only on select bulls - two weeks lead time

Reg No Semen Sexed Cert Horn code yr
/S Mandate 66589 ET 43834732 $25 F45 $40 Polled ST 18
/S Mentor 22023 ET 44389480 $25 F50 M35 $40 Polled ST 23
111F Next Level ET 44439544 $40 $50 Polled 2 24
74LC CVL DCR Ambition 9217 ET 44080154 $40 $100 Polled 4 22
AFF ESC Kane 44230484 $25 $50 Scurred 4 23
Bar JZ On Demand 44355795 $50 $150 Polled 3 23
BCC Sunrise 243K ET 44362272 $25 F35 $40 Polled 0 24
Behm 100W Cuda 504C 43636764 $25 $50 Polled 2 19
BG LCC 11B Perfecto 84F 43892306 $40 $40 Polled ST 19
BH Rugby ET 44350010 $25 F45 M35 $40 Polled ST 23
Birdwell Redbird 7098 0558ET 44254851 $25 $50 Polled 2 23
BK BH Fast Ball F102 ET 44015577 $100 $NR Horned 4 24
Boyd 31Z Blueprint 6153 43764491 $30 F55 $60 Polled 3 18
Boyd Masterpiece 0220 43145081 $25 $40 Polled . 13
CCR 9139 Candid 3117 44507162 $30   Polled 6 25
CFCC Notorious 56F ET 43966208 $40 $na Polled 4 20
CHEZ Dante 652D ET 43741272 $35 $75 Polled 4 19
Churchill Desperado 029H 44149846 $40 $75 Polled 3 24
Churchill Kickstart 501C ET 43603037 $80 $na Polled 4 18
Churchill Kingdom 128J ET 44267937 $30 F50 $75 Polled 0 23
Churchill Laredo 3146L ET 44462205 $35   Polled 4 25
Churchill Red Thunder 133J ET 44267942 $40 $75 Polled 3 23
Churchill Smokey 3128L 44462190 $50 $100 7 25
Churchill W4 Sherman 2157K ET 44378036 $100   Polled 4 25
CL 1 Domino 0186H 44139007 $50 $75 Horned 4 24
CMF 1720 Gold Rush 569G ET 44108010 $30 $50 Polled 2 21
CMF Ernst Power Broker 405F 43986389 $40 $70 Polled 4 24
CRR 824 Divergent 170 44294516 $40 $70 Polled 4 24
CRR About Time 743 42797564 $200 $50 Polled 19
ECR 628 IVYS Advance 8923 ET 43965019 $50 $100 Horned 4 23
ECR Copper Candi 1333 ET 44296201 $100 $100 Horned 4 25
ECR HDF Travis 3503ET 44519051 $100 $100 Polled 4 25
ECR WF Gus 058 ET 44192685 $50 $100 Polled 4 23
EXR Bankroll 8130 ET 43899151 $75   Horned 7 21
EXR Benchmark 8240 ET 43968864 $75 F150 $75 Polled 7 21
EXR Generator 0333 ET 44196588 $30 F60 $50 Polled 0 23
EXR King Air 8133 ET 43899154 $50 $75 Horned 4 23
EXR Platinum 9200 ET 43988018 $75 $75 Polled 7 21
FTF Confidence 6113D 43751234 $25 $50 Polled 5 21
FTF Magnifico 120J 44235486 $25 F40 M35 $40 Polled ST 23
FTF Relevant 831F 43911639 $25 $50 Polled 5 19
Genoa 6011 Belle Air 19073 ET 44011928 $35 $50 Horned 7 22
Genoa Foremost 12180 43349446 $50 $na Polled 9 19
Gerber Canaan 041C 43639075 $18 $na Polled ST 24
Gerber High Time H65 44189906 $25 $60 Polled 3 22
GO 8019 Andy Y117 43189127 $23 $65 Horned . 17
H Excel 8051 ET 42910021 $40 $50 Horned 4 12
H FHF Advance 628 ET 43720817 $20 F40 $75 Horned ST 24
H FHF Propel 6830 ET 43721319 $20 $40 Polled . 18
H H Perfect Timing 0150 ET 43161957 $30 $75 Polled . 12
H Montgomery 7437 ET 43799223 $125 $100 Polled 4 22
H Richmond ET 44491260 $30 $40 3 25
H WCC/WB 668 Wyarno 9500 ET 43026011 $25 $100 Polled 9 13
HH Advance 1098Y 43173131 $24 $65 Horned . 13
HH Advance 2116K 44346768 $50   7 25
Hyalite On Target 936 42986803 $50 $na Polled 9 19
JCS 240 Flintlock 5815 43606248 $18 M30 $na Polled ST 24
JDH AH Miles Ahead 35F ET 43905516 $25 $65 Polled 4 22
JO Gangster 0535 HB017302 $25   Black 9 23
K Rustic 711 ET 43848894 $75 $75 Horned 4 24
KBCR 49B Federal 634D 43734247 $25 F40 $50 Polled 3 19
KCF Bennett Acclaim C442 43661600 $25 $40 Polled 0 23
KCF Bennett Homeland C34 43601153 $18 F30 M30 $35 Polled ST 17
KCF Bennett Resolve G595 44105347 $35 $50 Polled 4 24
KCF Bennett Revolution X51 43081556 $50 $50 Polled 9 16
KCW Cotton's Yellowstone 220H 44155205 $40 $75 Polled 4 22
KJ HVH 33N Redeem 485T ET 42834201 $20 $100 Polled . 11
KLL KLD Triumph 4J ET 44275423 $50 $100 Scurred 4 23
KT Built Tuff 1010 43231454 $25 $70 Polled 1 15
KT Small Town Kid 5051 43621413 $20 $40 Polled 1 16
LCC FBF Time Traveler 480 43475752 $40 $50 Polled 4 19
LJS Mark Domino 1321 43394744 $25 $75 Horned . 17
NJW 119E 87G Endorsement 216J 44272851 $25 $60 Polled 2 23
NJW 133A 6589 Manifest 87G ET 44057384 $25 $75 Polled 4 22
NJW 160B 028X Historic 81E ET 43829334 $25 $60 Scurred 2 20
NJW 202C173DSteadfast 156J ET 44276463 $40 F60 M40 $40 Polled ST 23
NJW 73S W18 Homegrown 8Y ET 43214852 $25 $75 Polled 4 22
NJW 79Z 22Z Mighty 49C ET 43589057 $40 $100 Horned 4 20
PAW 41H Gemini 304 44474413H $40 $80 4 25
PCR 3X Chief 507C 43623019 $18 $na Polled ST 24
Purple Sleepy Joe 80H ET 44175138 $50   Horned 4 22
Pyramid Daybreak 9165 44051992 $30 $50 Polled 5 21
R Bonanza 4164 43499790 $50 $na Polled 9 19
R Leader 6964 43500058 $50 $75 Polled 49 16
R New York 5083 43399385 $20 $na Polled A 18
R Revolution 4510 43107199 $50 $na Scurred 9 19
R Vision 5722 43306532 $50 $na Polled 9 19
Ramsey Showtime Compass 977 44195782 $40 F125 $50 Horned 4 22
RST 5051 Small Town Kid 9023 44039432 $30 $50 Polled 2 24
RST Final Print 0016 44178105 $50 $75 Het Poll 4 24
RV Valor 9444G ET 44076080 $30 $na Polled 2 24
RW KLD Ruger 109 7029 ET 43830044 $40 $100 Polled 4 22
SCC Cox Barbossa 985 ET 44164240 $35 $60 Horned 4 22
SCG Showtime Game Over 181 44433493 $40 $50 Polled 4 24
SCG Showtime No Limit 111ET 44282330 $40 F125 $50 Polled 4 22
Schu-Lar Sustainable 101 44293703 $25 $40 Polled 0 23
SHF Eclipse Z115 E165 43793579 $18 $na Polled 1 21
SHF Haviland F158 H028 44123599 $40 $60 Polled 9 24
SHF Houston D287 H086 44123641 $40 F60 M40 $40 Polled ST 22
SHF Jacksonville G003 J043 ET 44228218 $35 $55 Polled 9 23
Showtime Fireball 734 ET 43841062 $40 $50 Polled 4 19
Stuckey Legend HB5 44192493 $25 $60 Polled 4 23
TCW Reno 81E 201K 44394541 $50   Horned 4 25
TFR Cyrus 225 ET 42891459 $25 $150 Polled 4 09
TH 519B 145Y Explorer 44D 43694377 $25   Polled 6 25
TH 523F 738C Sleep On 163H 44140749 $25   2 25
TH 60A 400Z Empire 359C ET 43596961 $16 $na Polled A 19
TH 745A 358C Pioneer 297F 43920548 $18 $40 Polled A 22
TH Adventure 143K 44334194 $25 $na Polled 2 24
TH Masterplan 183F 43920493 $25 F45 M35 $na Polled ST 24
TH Milestone 138J 44240831 $30 $50 Polled 3 23
VCR 711E Convoy 41H 44195422 $40 $75 Horned 4 22
WLB Lego 83T 90X 43224587 $25 $40 Polled 4 14
WORR Owen Tankeray Y79D ET 43264936 $35 $100 Polled 4 17